Weekly Weight Loss Shot

Your secret weapon for weight management success.

Experience the life-changing impact of Semaglutide, an FDA-approved medication specifically formulated to assist in weight management. Supported by an extensive body of clinical research, this treatment presents a holistic approach to enhancing your overall health by effectively addressing weight concerns.

Explore the transformative potential of Semaglutide in your life today.


  • Semaglutide is an FDA-approved medication primarily used for weight management. It is an injectable medication administered once a week

  • Semaglutide mimics the function of the GLP-1 hormone, which is naturally released in your body after you eat. This hormone slows down gastric emptying, thereby increasing feelings of satiety

  • Significant weight loss in clinical trials, enhanced satiety (making it easier to stick to a healthy diet), reduced cardiovascular risks when used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan

  • Possible side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, and headache. It is important to consult healthcare professionals for a comprehensive understanding of potential side effects

  • The initial consultation is a complimentary 30-minute session where we evaluate if Semaglutide is the appropriate treatment for you

  • While Semaglutide can generally be used alongside other medications, it's crucial to consult with healthcare professionals to evaluate any potential interactions.

  • You will receive guidance on grocery shopping and 24/7 support through text message

Treatment Process

Initial Consultation

We offer a complimentary, 30-minute consultation at Neuvo Med Spa where you and your provider will discover if Semaglutide is the right fit for you.

First Visit

The first treatment session will last 60 minutes. It includes your first Semaglutide shot as well as a complimentary Vit B12 shot. Your prescription will be available for pick up from Neuvo Med Spa.

Follow-up and Re-Prescription

A follow-up visit is scheduled 4 weeks after your initial appointment. This visit includes a re-evaluation of your weight, vitals, and a questionnaire. If a patient does not check in for this 4-week follow-up, the medication will not be re-prescribed. The 4-week consultation follow-up is mandatory.